Hip Pain Causes, Symptoms, And Ways To Treat It Naturally! – An Expert’s Guidance

The problem of hip pain is as old as time. But in earlier times, it used to be a concern of the aged and old senior citizens. 

Changing Scenario:

These days, the problem of the hip joint pain has no connection with age. In fact, the youngsters and individuals of 20-40s age are suffering from it. That’s not at all. Even teenagers and kids are also complaining that their hip hurts.

Out of ignorance, most of the time, this mild pain in the hip often remains unnoticed. As a result, this mild and occasionally arising pain starts to become regular and causes hurdles in the normal routine life. 

Ayurvedic treatment for joint pain has shown wonderful results among patients and they have admitted to attaining immense relief over other treatment measures and Western medicines.

Hip Pain Causes

No single specific cause can be specified that results in hip pain. In fact, there is a long list of factors both primary and secondary that can be responsible for this type of pain, such as: 

  • Ageing: As a person ages, the bones including the hip start to weaken due to prolonged wear and tear. The density of the bones also reduces and the patients start to encounter pain in their hip and other joints such as back and knee pain
  • Bone infection: In medical terms, bone infection is called Osteomyelitis. It directly affects the bone marrow and causes swelling in it, as a result of which intolerable pain starts to arise. 
  • Injury: That’s another common cause of joint pain that is seen among patients. Any mishappening, accident, sudden fall, or previous fracture in the hip area may result in a sore hip joint, even when possibly such injuries/fractures, or wounds have been healed externally.
  • Obesity: Excessive weight or obesity adds extensive pressure on the hip joint which is one of the top weight-bearing joints of the body. In addition to the hip joint, it can affect your other joints such as the back, knees, etc.
  • Sleeping posture: The hip bone pain may sometimes possibly arise due to following a wrong sleeping posture. If someone sleeps on one side, with unaligned hips, in a position that adds pressure to the hip, or his/her sleeping mattress is way too soft or hard, then there are likely chances that they may experience this type of pain. 
  • Immobility: Prolonged sitting makes your joints inflexible which may result in pain, especially in your hip region and lower tailbone region. The patients with this concern experience hip pain when sitting, bending, or climbing stairs. 

Common conditions where one can expect Hip Pain

There exist certain specific circumstances where patients necessarily complain that their hip joint hurts. It mainly includes:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Sciatica 
  • Spinal surgeries/fractures
  • Labral tears
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Avascular necrosis

Additionally, hip pain during pregnancy is also seen very commonly which may possibly be due to weight gain, hormonal changes, or the sleeping posture of the women.

Symptoms of hip pain

Well, the severity of hip pain can vary both slightly or significantly depending upon the causes and how chronic is the problem. In addition to the pain, the following signs can also be seen among patients sometimes:

  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Stiffness
  • Inflexibility
  • Tenderness
  • Difficult sleeping on the hip
  • Clicking sounds in the hip

Preventive Measures for Hip Pain 

Below are some easy, plus general preventive measures that patients with hip pain should surely follow to reduce the risk of pain aggravation, or other severe conditions:

  • Don’t bend, lift heavy, or perform strenuous exercises
  • Avoid sitting for prolonged periods
  • Do a gentle massage of affected areas (Preferably with virgin coconut oil, or any other herbal oil that is anti-inflammatory and soothing)
  • Work on your diet and take calcium-rich foods
  • Try managing your weight
  • Use a normal mattress for sleeping that is neither too soft or hard
  • Never ignore mild-frequent episodes of hip pain and surely consult a doctor/physiotherapist

Major Types of Hip Pain Treatment

Ayurvedic Treatment

Hip joint pain treatment in Ayurveda is based on treating the actual root causes of the concern and ensuring long-term relief for the patients. The joint specialists at Dr. Sharda Ayurveda have disclosed the following natural measures that are often taken into account necessarily when hip pain relief is target following Ayurvedic practices: 

Anti-inflammatory herbs

The usage of turmeric, gooseberry, ginger, chamomile, passionflower, triphala, jatamansi, mutethi, etc is often advised, either in a powder form, or extract form along with boiled milk, or lukewarm water.

Healthy dietary amendments

The exclusion of all types of junk, fried, oily, and processed whereas the inclusion of all healthy, especially calcium-enriched diet, is advised to strengthen hip and other joints. 

Adoption of an active lifestyle

Ayurvedic practitioners also suggest keeping your body active in order to keep the joints mobile and flexible. But yes, if a patient’s condition is critical, he/she should avoid all types of strenuous activities.

Gentle massaging of the affected areas

Additionally, a soft and gentle hand massage with virgin coconut oil, cow’s ghee, almond oil, etc can also be done to reduce the swelling, pain, and stiffness in the hip.


Another significant measure that has shown positive results and can be combined with Ayurvedic treatment for hip pain is physiotherapy.

In fact, the main purpose of this therapy is to help a patient regain body movement following certain proven joint flexibility-enhancing stretches. Firstly, a proper medical examination followed by accessing your X-rays, MRI, and other relevant reports will be done and then a suitable treatment plan, exercises, and stretches will be given.

It shows a high rate of improvement when a patient is experiencing hip pain due to some after-effects of an unhealed bone fracture, or torn ligament. 

Cold and heat therapy

The patients can even opt for cold and heat therapy. Both heat and cold help hip pain patients, and they can try alternating between the two. Because heat can show effective results in alleviating pain and stiffness. Whereas, cold therapy can slow blood flow and swelling.


Lastly, if your condition is critical, or you have met with a major accident/injury, and the doctor has suggested hip joint surgery, then don’t deny it. But that’s the advice for only emergency cases. Try to heal your hip pain on your own following the measures mentioned above.

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