The importance of a comfortable environment – at work and at home
This may not be something you’ve given a huge amount of thought to previously, but if you create a comfortable environment at home and at work, it can benefit your health and wellbeing in a number of ways. After all, the more secure and comfortable you feel, the greater the resulting feeling of belonging.
And if where you reside is cluttered, for example, the associated stress and anxiety could start to affect your physical health.
Equally, for older people and children, it’s especially important. Kids will also have better wellbeing generally, while for the elderly, a comfortable and comforting home environment encourages independent, safe living.
There are number of things you can do, including, for instance, incorporating plants and maximising natural light. Having a good old declutter is also helpful, and it’s worth thinking about personalising your space.
Colours also play their part, with green and blue, for example, known to be calming.
Another aspect, and again it’s one you may not have considered previously, is the way your home or workplace smells. After all, there’s a strong link between comfort and pleasant aromas, while scent can also help to dictate emotional wellbeing and how easy it is to relax.
A home scent diffuser allows you to harness the power of fragrance by sending essential oils or other fragrant compounds into the air. Aromatic oils are broken down into tiny airborne particles before they’re dispersed.
There are many ways of choosing the ideal scent for your home, and you might want to think about mood, the time of year and complementing, rather than overpowering any existing fragrances.
You may also decide to combine a couple of aromas, for example orange blossom and fig tree. Also think about the room you’re scenting; light, fresh scents go well in kitchens and dining areas, for instance.
How boiler hire can help create an optimal working environment
There are also many good reasons to create a welcoming environment for your staff, including enhanced productivity, employee satisfaction and engagement plus an increased ability to attract and retain the very best talent for your organisation.
Noise control, lighting and quality seating all contribute to this, as do a strong work/life balance and the creation of an inclusive, diverse workplace.
But getting temperature right is also hugely important. While in the UK there are no legal minimum or maximum working temperatures, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) suggests a minimum of 16°C for most indoor workplaces and 13°C for indoor workplaces where employees are doing physical work.
So most organisations will strive to keep temperatures constant, and one way of doing this is through boiler hire, especially if you need extra heat and hot water during the winter or during periods of peak demand.
If your business also runs industrial processes and therefore regularly has temporary heating and cooling needs, again boiler hire can come into its own, especially in an emergency situation.
Whatever your reason for hiring a boiler, there’s no major upfront investment, plus it’s a highly flexible solution, with boilers connected to existing heating and hot-water circuits, making integration seamless.