Zodiac Moon Calendar

Living Your Best Life Aligning with Zodiac Moon Calendar

When you are talking of astrology, sun signs are very common, and people might have searched for their sun signs recently. However, is it sheer negligence to not know about the zodiac moon calendar? It is a surprise that not many people talk about their Moon signs.

Every 29.5 days, the moon completes a full cycle, and based on its stages, people’s lives are affected. Moon stages affect a person’s psychology and even their outlook on life. It is more than just an intricate psychology, but a celestial force that impacts a person’s daily activities.

Here, one can get a detailed understanding of the moon calendar and some interesting tidbits to make informed life choices.

What Does the Moon Govern?

In astrology, the moon governs the realm of both subconscious and conscious realism a person has. The positioning of the moon when a person is born, and its orientation dictates many aspects of life.

Just understand it like this, the moon is known to control the tides of the ocean, and as humans, we are 70% water. Therefore, in daily life, people find that the moon affects multiple aspects of their lives as well.

As a result of moon mapping, the zodiac calendar involves aligning oneself with the lunar effects. This zodiac calendar also helps create a strategy and execute:

  1. Setting intentions
  2. Guiding goals and principles
  3. Take a look at the opportunities

When a person uses the moon’s energetic shifts as a blueprint, it helps in planning and achieving one’s goals.

Phases of Moon Impacting One’s Lives

There are various phases of the moon, and each of them holds significance as per the zodiac calendar. Some of the important phases are mentioned below:

  • New Moon or Dark Moon

The new moon is a symbolic representation of new beginnings or fresh beginnings. If a person is looking at a lunar calendar linked with astrology, they will find that this period is recommended for setting personal intentions. Start the business or a new job at this time as it is considered a positive time for doing so.

  • Waxing Crescent Moon

This phase is just after the new moon, and it is recommended that a person take strong measures to work towards their beginnings. For example, if a person has started a business, waxing the crescent moon provides the phase to work hard to establish that. Try to capture those dreams and fulfill your ambitions during this time.

  • Half or First Quarter Moon

This is the perfect time in a zodiac lunar calendar to make changing decisions and amplify your productivity. A person can use the momentum of this phase and then make decisions that impact the rest of their life. This is, as per the lunar calendar, a time to make edits in a person’s life if they have messed up severely.

  • Full Moon

What one can notice on a full moon is a clear reality of their surroundings. A person should take this phase in a lunar cycle as a time to mend relations based on their understanding. In simple terms, if someone is trying to move out of life, then let them do so. This is the release phase, which shows the clarity of our situation.


Lunar calendars are more than just a belief; they are a reality that needs clearer cognizance. Moon affects a person’s life in multiple ways that they might not even understand. However, getting access to such a lunar calendar and planning your life accordingly can help create a difference in your life decisions.

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